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Dienstag, 6. Dezember 2011

News: Primark Opening, Essen ;)

Primark is really opening. Tomorrow. 9:00
I'll be there. You, too?

Morgen gehts los, Primark hats geschafft. Um 9 wird eröffnet.
Ich werde da sein. Ihr auch?

Bedarf glaube ich sonst keiner großen Worte ;)

xoxo, sheep

Montag, 28. November 2011

PRIMARK Pre-Opening, Essen

 Though the Primark Opening couldn't take place today, the responsible persons took there time for the press, some bloggers and YouTubers.
As I arrived I was really glad, that there were some human souls! Through the hole train journey from Düsseldorf to Essen I was drawing in my head, that I would be the only person, standing in front of closed doors :D

The opening couldn't take place today, because they had problems with the fire protection requirements. Of course now is everything O.K. but someone has to examine the results. Blablabla... the usual official way. What is really O.K. because security goes first.

Sonntag, 27. November 2011

PRIMARK Opening, Essen


Hoohoo there, yesterday I found news about Primark's Opening in my in-box. Sadly tomorrow Primark will keep the doors locked. The reason why is, because they got technical difficulties.
So please don't go on a pilgrimate to Essen tomorrow. Because you won't find the Opening.
Have a nice Sunday!
xoxo, sheep.

Freitag, 25. November 2011

Samstag, 19. November 2011

Versace x H&M purchase

...SACE: Detailed shopping bag
 Here we go. Today I'm showing you what I got from the Versace x H&M Collection. I liked the scarfs of the collection and buyed them. Unfortunatelly I wasn't lucky enough to get something from the jewellry :( One of the scarfes is from the Man's Collection ;) 
Can you guess which one? And which one do you like then most? 

Freitag, 18. November 2011

Primark joins Essen - Die Einkaufsstadt

People, stay calmed! Do I really hear your heartbeat? And do you feel butterflies in your stomach by seeing this logo? People living in the Ruhr can now breathe a sight of relief, because PRIMARK will join ESSEN!

What? Really? When?

On the 28th of Novembre, 2011 Essen will be happy to welcome PRIMARK.

Where? Kettwiger Straße 39, 45127 Essen

The Store will have 8.400m², which will be distributed over 6 Floors!

Also there will be a limited Christmas Collection.

I'll be there, you too? ;) 

xoxo, sheep

Donnerstag, 17. November 2011

Versace x H&M or Donatella Versace's Circus

 Hey there crazy folks!

Today I acted really crazy for you and went at 7.30 a.m. to H&M in Düsseldorf for the opening of the Versace Collection. (Königsalle 76)

Montag, 31. Oktober 2011

Ten Blogs I like - Part I

Hey everybloggy :D and everybody,

ok everybloggy sounds as stupid as 'hey everypony' from My Little Pony and I'll promise to use this word never again! I really am a huge fan of reading blogs and have about 30 blogs in my favourites :D Of course I am not reading every blog every day, but from time to time I'm visiting some of them. 
Today I visited BEKLEIDET and saw that she had a really good idea. She shared with her readers ten blogs she likes. I think this really is a good idea and now I want to share with you some of my favourite blogs, too.

Hallöchen Blogger und Leser,

da ich im Moment langes Wochenende habe, hatte ich viel Zeit mich durch die Blogs zu wühlen. Dabei habe ich wieder einige unter meinen Cookies abgespeichert (mittlerweile so um die 30 :D). Natürlich lese ich nihct alle täglich aber alle paar Wochen gucke ich mal vorbei ;) Bei BEKLEIDET von Jana habe ich gelesen, dass sie Ihre 10 Lieblingsblogs vorgestellt hat. Ich fand, dass das eine super Idee ist und will jetzt auch meine 10 Lieblingsblogs vorstellen :) Anfangen tue ich mit: